Adventures With Our Kids..The Big Things, The Little Things, and Everything In Between!

Adventures With Our Kids..The Big Things, The Little Things, and Everything In Between!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Kindergarten Days

Oh how the time has flown!!! Lily is a Kindergartener!  Actually, I'm pretty sure she thinks she's a teenager in a little body, but really I can't believe that we do have a kindergartener in the house! No more 9:00 preschool sleeping in late days...We have carpool and tardies...This is the real McCoy! Up at 6:30, breakfast, dressed, out the door running....We are official now!  Lily was super excited about Kindergarten! Two weeks before school she started getting really nervous about what to expect, but Meet the Teacher calmed her nerves and knowing 3 of her classmates from cheer calmed her a bit, too! She was mostly worried about being at school for 7 hours. She was sort of consumed by the number since she had never been gone from us that long everyday. But, she did GREAT!!!  It didn't hurt that we told her she could get her American Doll's ears pierced if she didn't throw big fits in the morning or at school! (mommy had to have a back up bribe - ha) And of course, that put a bigger sparkle in her eye!

We all did super the first week when we got to walk her to her classroom.... Then came the second week....Mommy did not do so well! The second week we all were told to drive through the front carpool line and let the kiddos walk in by themselves.  I taught Kindergarten, knew what to expect, even told Lily stories about Kindergarten to calm her and had been nothing but excited for her the last couple of years and the entire summer....UNTIL she got out of the car BY HERSELF and walked in the school BY HERSELF.... and well that was it! Happy mommy just watched her walk away and thought "she is growing up so fast, I miss preschool and EVERYTHING about preschool and the prayers and the hugs and the being surrounded by scripture and God's love"....Yep, It hit and it hit hard and I was sad for a couple of days! So much for being the tough mommy who didn't need to go to the Boo Hoo breakfast after drop-off the first day! I told everyone, "I'm excited! I'm not going to cry! I taught Kindergarten! It will probably hit me when she goes to first grade! No Boo Hoo breakfast for me!"A note to all you mommy's who will be sending your kindergartener to school soon : GO TO THE BOO HOO BREAKFAST!!! It's better to get it over with the first day!  Otherwise it hits you later and you don't have anyone around and Kenny Chesney comes on the radio with his song "Don't Blink," as you are driving away from the school, which definately DOES NOT make things better ! :)

As for Lily, we just finished up her third week of school! She is happy to report to us how many days she has stayed on green and how many marbles she earned! She is doing fantastic! We are so proud and excited for her! Cade loves having a big sister in big school! We've enjoyed cheer games and carpool with kids around the neighborhood, playdates after school, and hearing about what she is most excited about each week! Kindergarten Days....they'll be gone in a flash! We are all soaking up the fun and excitement !!!

Lily at Meet the Teacher Night

                                               Lily's special First Day breakfast at home

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