Adventures With Our Kids..The Big Things, The Little Things, and Everything In Between!

Adventures With Our Kids..The Big Things, The Little Things, and Everything In Between!

Friday, December 21, 2012

Disney World Day 2 continued...

Buzz Light Year...
 Little Man could not wait to meet Buzz!!! He actually went on break as we were walking up to the line so this was the only picture we got. You can imagine the heart break Cade had! A bit of a meltdown, but we cured that with a fun laser Buzz ride! We told him that when we went back to Magic Kingdom on Sunday we would be making our first stop to meet Buzz!!!

No doubt that Cade and Chris had a BLAST on this ride!!!

Merida from Brave....
This was the second time I teared up... when we entered an area to meet Merida from Brave! We have just lived all of these characters and princesses with both Lily and Cade. We have seen them re-inact parts, dress up, pretend and play. To see their faces light up each time we saw something new just made me so thankful we were all there together!  So silly to be emotional but this has been our lives for the past 7 years!!!!

The kids colored pictures while the parents held spots in line for the meet and greet. They also were able to "shoot a bow and arrow." Oh my goodness....if you know Lily you know she would love to do started after she saw the movie Brave! She and Cade both took their hand at a little safe  archery practice! Sooo fun!!!

The New Fantasyland opened the exact day we were at Magic Kingdom. There were lots of camera crews and lots of people heading that way to check it all out. We had a star sighting...and quickly snapped a picture of Ginnifer Goodwin as she was escorted around the park. Pretty cool!!! We did two of the new things that opened up at Fantasyland before the big crowds hit. Arial's Grotto and Enchanted Tales with Belle. We saw Gaston for a second but he was whisked away for a break before we were able to get any good photos.
 Arial's Grotto:
A little interactive game as we waited in line.

 Enchanted Tales with Belle at Maurice's Cottage
                           This was very magical and one of our favorite memories of Magic Kingdom!
The mirror in Maurices Cottage lit up, opened up and we entered another room! Lily was stunned as we "walked into or through the mirror"!!!
  After a bit of role playing the story of Beauty and the Beast we were lead into the Beast's library.

Belle came in singing and talking and acting out the story.
At the end all the kiddos lined up and recieved a bookmark from Belle and took a picture.
It was one of the sweetest times. That was the third time I teared up....Lily was sooo happy!

The Carosuel

          Shackles and Chains  (haha)

                We never got tired of seeing the castle!
Everytime we looked up at it, it was still hard to believe we were actually there!!!

            An afternoon show! Fireworks, music, characters....THE BEST!!!

As the sun went down the castle lit up and changed colors! Very Cool!!!

          Another Photo op as we headed back to Main Street for Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Parade
                              Main Street all lit up ... very festive and fun!

                        A tired little boy just couldn't stay awake any longer!

                                       We made friends with the family next to us as we waited for the parade to start! Lily took their daughter Gianna under her wing for the evening and taught her the curtsey and princess wave :)  They had so much fun together!

                                        Soooo pretty! The Castle at Christmastime !

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